October 10, 2011

Many Thanks!

Today, in celebration of Thanksgiving (the Canadian one), I decided to take a little time to think about the things that I'm most grateful for. It hasn't been the easiest year, yet in spite of that - and maybe because of that, too - I have many things to be thankful for. Apart from my family and health, I can say with no hesitation that this blog tops the list. It has become my calming place - the place where I come when stress is taking over other aspects of my life, the place where I come to regain perspective.

Countless times when my day wasn't going well, refocusing my attention to the blog for a little while - dreaming up plans for the long-term direction in which I want to take it, and planning individual upcoming posts - has not only gotten me through the day, but made it infinitely better.

This all has to do with being able to create a space that I can be proud of and where I can share my passions; it also has to do with the incredibly friendly and inclusive blogging community that I have found myself into, and that I long to connect with every time I am away from it - even though I haven't done a terribly good job of it so far.

So for all of this today, and every day, I am thankful.
Note: Pictures of colourful trees and fallen leaves were taken yesterday in our backyard.

❤ On this day last year, I found myself on Neutral Territory.


  1. awesome colors, and thanks for your comment!

  2. Love these pictures of fall. Such a beautiful season!



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