October 29, 2011

Happy Days: Colourful Fall

• Pink blooms on the windowsill 

Since September, I’ve been struggling to juggle a new, time-consuming school schedule and the blog. It's become clear that I haven't been successful so far and as a result, this space felt a bit neglected. In order to change things for the better, I decided to take a little time to focus on creating more content and working behind-the-scenes. I hope to form a strategy that will allow me to truly build the online eco-space that I envision and to be more consistent with posting in the future. For this reason, the blog will be a little more quiet during the next few weeks, though I will not go away completely. On that note, today I wanted to share a few of the things that have put a smile on my face this fall.

• An exquisitely beautiful white flower that keeps me company when I'm working at my desk 

• New additions to my closet: an eco-friendly backpack (my favourite from this bunch) and a lovely little charm necklace from a giveaway put together by Veronika & Brideblu (Thank you!) 

❤ On this day last year, I proclaimed my love for stripes: French Wisdom.


  1. i do all of my posts on Sunday, and respond to comments daily. i used to comment weekly, but i lost too many followers, so daily it is. i don't comment sat or sun.

  2. Elle, thank you so much for the tips! I really appreciate it and as soon as I'm all caught up, I will definitely try them out.


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