September 14, 2011

The Third

These days, summer is slowly fading away and generally I would spend my time complaining about all the reasons why I think that fall has arrived much too soon. This year - though I feel the same way - I decided to fight this bad habit and focus on the positive instead; of course, it helped that the newly cooler temperatures outside allowed me to wear this light, eco-friendly blouse for the first time during the Labour Day week-end - quite a few months after I received it as a gift, when the H&M Conscious Collection came out back in April!
• H&M Conscious Collection blouse  hand-me-down necklace (from cousin)  H&M jeans  Payless flats (kids' section) 

I decided to stick with the simple recipe of a mainly black-and-white outfit, livened up with my ever favourite touch of bright colour, and I think it turned out to be the perfect backdrop for the beautiful details in the blouse's design to truly shine through.

 On this day last year, I was reviewing one of my favourite green beauty books: I Am...Eco-Beautiful


  1. This look is so me! White blouses you can never go wrong with. Love rolling up my jeans and own more flats than I should be allowed.

  2. You are so pretty! I love the white blouse. It looks so effortless and chic.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88


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