September 5, 2011

Labouring Petals

During the course of this Labour Day week-end, the gladioli in our front yard have started blooming. On Saturday, only small buds were peeking through and so, ironically enough, it was a labour-filled week-end for them to transform into these incredibly beautiful flowers.
In between the bouts of blinding sunshine and heavy rain that we've had all week-end, I had a lot of fun documenting the process, and I can't wait to see all the buds blooming into these gorgeous, orange-hued flowers; we're bound to have some very colourful few weeks ahead!


  1. I've been dying to grow some plants!

    Love Grace.

  2. They're so pretty. All my plants in the garden seem to be dying off :-( p.s. have you entered my competition yet to win £50 of beautiful vintage-inspired jewellery?

  3. i love the flower pics. It's crazy how fast the plant can bloom



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